Letters to the Editor
Turn lane needed on Highway 31
In order to eliminate heavy traffic at the intersection of Highway 31 and the Quiznos shopping center, there should be a median constructed across the highway. This shopping center has always been a troublesome spot to access. For causes of convenience and more importantly safety, this course of action should take place.
This shopping center severely needs an easier access point. When headed north on Highway 31, it is very difficult to find an easy route connecting to this location. Although there is a service road connecting to the shopping center, it is nearly impossible to find unless one knows his or her way around Hartselle very well. Since this road connects with Nanceford Road, its location is very obscure and seemingly inaccessible. This causes drivers to cut through the RBC Bank, where there is a sign that reads “No Thru Traffic.” I have had many negative experiences at this spot. As soon as I see the shopping center, it is too late to turn into it. As a driver of two years, I find it very inconvenient and dangerous to attempt to enter this place. I have talked to friends and relatives who have driven for 30 to 40 years who say they still have trouble accessing this location.
Another reason this median should be constructed is the fact of safety precautions. Some drivers resort to performing a U-turn at the traffic light at the intersection of Highway 31 and Vaughn Bridge Road. This is extremely dangerous and could cause devastating accidents. As a resident of Hartselle, I am concerned for the safety and well-being of drivers through our small town. I hope that this suggestion of constructing a much needed median will be thoroughly considered.
Lauren Jones
Tiger team did city proud
I had the opportunity last weekend to attend the South’s BEST Regional Robotics Competition at Auburn University and was pleasantly surprised to see a group from my hometown there, the Hartselle Jr. High team, “Tiger-land’s BEST.” For those of you who don’t know (I was one until last weekend) about robotics, BEST stands for Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology, and the students participating in this program are amazing! Not only are they discovering their potential in these fields of study, they are also learning real-life skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, leadership, communication and teamwork.
The students are considered employees of a company, complete with Project Managers and a CEO. They design, build and test a robot pursuant to required performance specifications and are judged on the robot’s performance. They are also judged on their Engineering Notebook, which documents the design/build/test process; booth design; marketing presentation; spirit and sportsmanship; and interviews.
The HJHS team competed against approximately 60 other teams from throughout the southern and eastern U.S. and made it to the semi-finals, even though most of the teams they were competing against were high school teams with much more experience! I was proud to be there to cheer them on!
This is a great program and the students participating in it will be the leaders of the future. They deserve the support of their school and their community. They truly are “Tiger-land’s BEST!!!
Polly Howell Chatham
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