e-sound off for the week of December 23, 2010
Your source for community topics and thoughts
Tweets by the newest member of Hartselle’s Legislative delegation have landed him on a statewide website.
Ed Henry, R-Hartselle, was attending an orientation in Tuscaloosa for new Legislative members. The group heard from political veterans, as well as Pulitzer prize-winning author Rick Bragg, a journalism professor at the University of Alabama.
According to al.com, a website operated by the Birmingham News, the Huntsville Times and Mobile Press Register, Bragg’s presentation didn’t impress Henry.
Bragg spoke to the group about the state’s poor and the responsibility to help them.
In a series of Tweets, Henry wrote the following according to al.com:
“Don’t know how much more I can take of Rick Bragg lecturing me on working people and how removed we are.”
“Now Rick Bragg is preacing (sic) to us supporting the Obama Healthcare plan. Just know where your money is going when you buy his books.”
“Hopefully today I won’t have to listen to a 1.5-hour lecture from a multimillionaire whose own family doesn’t talk when he is around.”
Henry also described the orientation as “left-leaning.”
Here’s what you had to say:
“Perhaps newly-elected representative Ed Henry should take advantage of every learning opportunity given him when it comes to his new role. Sending out caddy and snap-judgment electronic messages in the middle of someone speaking to him is not a good start. Doing so shows his lack of professional maturity and his utter lack of respect for the person speaking and those putting on the symposium. Mr. Henry, I’m a Republican voter, and you owe it to the people who elected you, the people of District 9, to:
1. Act professionally. You now represent everyone in District 9, not just yourself. You’re being paid to be there. Be dignified, even if you’re not.
2. Grow up (or as the kids would say, “Act your age, not your shoe size”),
3. Listen to what others say, whether you agree or not, because you may just learn something. Mr. Bragg has seen the best and worse that Alabama and many places around the world have to offer during his travels reporting on disasters, war, and other calamities. He has a perspective much larger than your own.
4. Stop acting like you already know it all — you don’t!!
5. Be humble and appreciative of the opportunity to serve.
6. Don’t embarrass us again.”
“Gimme a break! This guy, Rick Bragg, reminds me of Michael Moore, physically and politically. He writes books about past crimes, and misdoings of others.
I can fully understand Ed’s frustration, and I can also give him kudos for “tweeting” during this painful time in his political career. Maybe “tweeting” gave him some relief.”
“Are you kidding? So it is ok for Ed Henry to show his utter disrespect by playing on the computer while he should have been showing respect. Just goes to show you that he still thinks he is above everyone else and that he is the only one that matters. I hope he is a one-term official.”
“Rick Bragg’s works provide insight into his and his family’s struggles of growing up in poverty in Alabama. How does this qualify as the “crimes of others”? Ed Henry might try reading some books– including Rick Bragg’s. However, he should first read the bills he voted for last week. I have no doubt that he’ll be a one-term politician. He’s too elitist and die-hard Republican. How can a true “servant of the people” who vowed to “not only listen but provide us all a voice in Montgomery” vote stictly Republican instead of voting listening to his constituents. He even told some taxpayers of this state that the “did not represent them.” He’s right….he’s self-serving.”
The Hartselle Enquirer’s e-sound off is an opportunity for residents to provide anonymous comments about community issues. All comments are subject to editing. The Editor reserves the right to refuse publication. In the event of several submissions on a single topic, a representative comment may be used. Comments can include your thoughts on local issues, questions about policies or procedures or praise for a community group, business or person. Email your comments to news@hartselleenquirer.com with “Sound-off” in subject line.