Welcome back Chip and Elizabeth
Oden Ridge news
I’m sure we all have been concerned about how our government has been doing. The other day when I was reading in Proverbs I found part of the answer. Proverbs 11:14 says “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisors make victory sure.”
How true this is. Remember the old saying “two heads are better than one.” Well! We sent all these so-called smart men to Washington D.C. to work for us. Supposedly they are supposed to know what they are doing.
Our nation is in trouble! We need to pray hard! To me they are acting like children. “Oh well, your name is so and so and I’m not going to play with you. My skin is one color and yours is another, so therefore we can’t cooperate with you.”
I say Republican, Demo-crat, whatever, this is our country and if possible we need to fire some people, but where can we find some honest leadership? In our local government there is trouble. People, all people, need to wake up.
Even in our churches people can’t agree. Why do you think there are so many denominations?
Some older people might say we had better people governing years ago. Phooey. There has always been corruption.
I remember years ago when I lived in Michigan, hearing on the news that the governor of Alabama was letting Michigan haul chemicals and other waste and dumping it in western Alabama. I found out later it was on property owned by his family.
Do you suppose that could be one of the reasons cancer is so prevalent here? Even his wife died of cancer.
Remember, “The Sins of the Fathers” phrase in the Bible? Wake up, people. Color is not the problem. Lack of knowledge and advisors not knowing how to advise is.
I remember when I heard about the dumping of waste in my beautiful Alabama. I threw a fit and cried. That didn’t help but it helped get rid of my frustrations about greed and ignorance.
The Morgan County Fire and EMS are having their 24th Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday, April 16, at 6:00 p.m. It will be at Fairview Church of God in Falkville.
Bobby and Pat Beavers enjoyed a trip to Washington D.C. recently. It was a gift from their son and daughter.
Donald Allison had knee replacement surgery recently. He says he’s doing fine.
S.D. Childers had hip surgery, too. He is doing great and walking great. Eva Baptist (Gravel Ridge) held a revival recently. They had a great turn out and great services.
Christine Kinney was in the hospital last week. She is home and improving. She recently lost her sister, Irene McKee. Pray for her.
There are several others who need prayers, too.
My granddaughter Dea-nna Archer recently had surgery. During a simple procedure an artery was hit and she had to have more surgery to save her life. Remember her in prayer. Also, Dorothy Hoover and Mary McElvey, two old friends.
We enjoyed having our nephew Bert Hopp and his sweet daughter Alex visit us last week.
We all got together with other relatives and my family at my daughter and son-in-law, Rosemary and Larry Bartram, for a cookout and bonfire while Bert and Alex were here.
We were all saddened over the death last week of our friend Linda Partain’s mother. We pray for Linda, too.
We have new neighbors! Chip and Elizabeth Williams have moved back. Welcome home you two.
We envy Donna Jones and daughter Danielle and their babies. They are at the beach this week.
Ruby Oden had her last treatment on Tuesday. It has been an ordeal for her but we are thankful she is doing better.
We send prayers and sympathy to Noel and Marie Holmes who lost their son Dennis last week.