Transformer problem causes power outage
Hartselle Utilities has restored power to all of Hartselle following a transformer problem at its district substation on Alabama 36 this morning.
Officials with Hartselle Utilities said outage occurred shortly before 8 a.m. when a transformer blew at its substation, which serves middle of town including the business district. The problem stemmed from a transformer which was installed last year and Electric Department linemen were trouble shooting to determine the cause.
Hartselle police officers directed traffic along U.S. 31 intersections where traffic lights were not functioning.
Utility workers began rerouting power from other substations to get all power restored while the transformer can be repaired.
“We were able to get all of the power restored within an hour and a half,” said Carol Kirby, assistant to Hartselle Utilities general manager Ferrell Vest.
The power restoration came just as temperatures were rising into the 90s, allowing Hartselle Utilities customers to use their air-conditioning units before it got too hot during the day. The high temperature has been predicted to be 98 Thursday with a heat index of more than 105.